Dr Tim O’Carrigan Inserts the First Stryde Nail in an Adult in Australia

Dr Tim O’Carrigan Inserts the First Stryde Nail in an Adult in Australia

The Stryde Nail is a stainless steel nail that is the same as the Precice Nail except in its construction materials.

Dr Tim O’Carrigan Inserts the First Stryde Nail Image

The Precice is a Titanium nail which allows us to lengthen bones at the rate and rhythm required for optimal bone healing. It uses an External Magnetic Field that drives an internal magnet that controls the lengthening. We have extensive experience with the Precice with excellent results and it has become the Gold Standard for intramedullary lengthening nails and in many cases has replaced the requirement for the use of External Fixateurs to achieve lengthening.

The Titanium metal does not allow full weight bearing before there is bridging bone. For this reason patients were on non weight bearing or restricted weight bearing for up to three months depending on the amount of bone lengthening being undertaken or the rate of healing.

With the Stryde Nail and its Stainless Steel construction it has been tested as 4 times stronger than the Titanium nail and as a result patients can weight bear as tolerated from immediately postop whilst they are lengthening.

We think this is going to be a significant step forward in Limb Lengthening Surgery and can potentially can improve the mobility and independence oof patients undergoing limb lengthening as well as maintain better joint range of motion and reduce the muscle wasting and weakness that  can complicate the process.

The first Stryde nail in an adult outside the United States was inserted by Dr O’Carrigan in June at Macquarie University Hospital.

We look forward to helping many other patients with this emerging technology.